was hoping for a new dog after i visited some pet shops on Chap Goh Mei, which is the last day of Chinese New Year/ Lunar New Year.
The first dog that attracts our attention is this Shih Tzu puppies from City Pets. There is 2 Shih Tzus, 1 boy and 1 girl and we like the male ones a lot because the hair is much fluffier and the body is all white and there is only one brown dot in the middle of it's back.it's head consist of a mixture of brown and white. he is very adorable and active. We planned to buy him the next day but we end up coming back a day later because the pet shop was closed when we reached there, AND guess what, the puppies is GONE!! both of them.. the shopkeeper said a lady just came by this morning and bought these 2 babies!!
Gahh!! i've already thought of a name for him!!
well, i hope they are happy in their new home :)
on that night, we went sight-seeing and i spotted Pets Everland. was not sure that's a pet store until we visited it because it had a sign says Pet Hotel.
and after the visit, i've changed my mind. well, not only me! my mom and brother too.
WE all wants a toy poodle!!
after we saw the owner's poodle. brown in color and the owner said it sheds non to less hair.. and that's a good thing because my mom's nose is allergic to dust and stuff.
The owner carried his toy poodle like his own son! LOL
(pictures below are from google search)
i like coffee or brown toy poodle. they all looked like a stuff animal. lol. their hair is somehow wavy and fluffy and looks like they had permed their hair. :P and poodles are an intelligent dog too!! which means easy to toilet train and housebreaking! and that's a bonus!! :D
what?? everyone adores puppy or dog who knows how to go potty. you dont want to pick up and clean shits in your entire life!! and owning a puppy is not for a day, a week or months but for years to come.. imagine you have to clean shits for the coming 10 years..@@
and I might also want to teach him commands and some cool tricks too :P
yes PUG!!! isn't he's cute?? no??
i know their face is somehow ugly/not attractive/weird but it can be cute and has expressive facial expression. and after i watch The adventure of Milo and Otis, it makes me love pug more!
but problem is, it's hard to get a pug in Kuching.. i've only saw one before in City Pets and was already booked by another customer.
nobody seems to like pug here.
I went to 2 pet shops today and inquiry for pug but none has pug. and they gave me a weird look when i asked them.
One shop assistant from 1 pet shop said, 'ha? you like pug??'
i answer her, yes they are very cute and she just smile and said they always drool, same as bull dog. why not consider a bull dog as they are almost the same breed.
Ohh, and i reccently just know that Pugs is like a shedding machine. but it has short hair why can pugs sheds a lot?? poodle has long hair and shed less to none while pugs with short hair sheds like crazy.. wonder why?! is it because of the coats? one has double coats and one has single
their facial expression can express loads
fluffy toy poodle which looks like a stuff bear/dog to me.
I thought poodle are all solid in colour but this poodle has different colours on the ears. Cute though :P
Tamjiak cutie! just like Hsiang the bee!! oh no, Hsiang the Pug.. haha
Hsiang!! if you read this, you should probably go get a pug now, so cute and does resemble you a bit! haha
heard from random people/ rumors that you will resemble the puppy you owned. my mom says, if i owned a pug, my face will eventually changes and resemble pug a bit.. :S
is that true?? but from 101 Dalmatians, it shows that the owner resemble their pets.
Saw one guy when going out for dinner yesterday and he resemble pugs a lot!! his hair his face his eyes his skin and his shirt! and i didn't managed to capture his pic!!! He looks like Ratcliffe from Pocahontas who owns a pug.. LOL :D except for his hair which is much shorter and thin.

I thought poodle are all solid in colour but this poodle has different colours on the ears. Cute though :P

Hsiang!! if you read this, you should probably go get a pug now, so cute and does resemble you a bit! haha

is that true?? but from 101 Dalmatians, it shows that the owner resemble their pets.
Saw one guy when going out for dinner yesterday and he resemble pugs a lot!! his hair his face his eyes his skin and his shirt! and i didn't managed to capture his pic!!! He looks like Ratcliffe from Pocahontas who owns a pug.. LOL :D except for his hair which is much shorter and thin.
Of coz PUG!!You do look like a pug!!Resemble it a lot!!!lalalalala...gogog buy it!!
I have a pug and he REALLY sheds alot.. @@
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