Rise and shine!!
heading to Melacca after breakfast but before that i shall feed you with my camwhore picture!!
confirm am a chinese!
not mix okay
just to post so next time when i grow older, i can still look back :D
some pictures are edited in HDR
i wanna spoil your eyesight! :D
i do not want to eat this for breakfast anymore :S
prefer pancake or some waffle
so nice i like the crispy part :D
dry ones with the balls*
some very tough meat ball and fish ball
seriously i dont really like it
too much pepper and damn oily :S
ohh!! i like the drink!
plum with luo han guo
just because of my grandma i posted this picture :)
she's so cute here! and i am fugly!!
now you can laugh at me!!!
i just want the picture of his claypot!!
so cute one!
and he notice me! paiseh :D
New Restaurant Ipoh Chicken Rice
regretted! should try the chicken rice instead of noodle :S
just because we're going to Melacca for some famous chicken rice ball so we did not ordered anything to do with chicken and rice :X
and very near to our hotel, Boulevard Hotel
makes me look more define and more pigmentations :S
very clean no smell one
i finally saw this!!
and we went to the wrong side to check-in
What!! inside Afamosa is not small okay! of course will get lost a bit la
it just like a small town
and a few Koreans check in here
i think this is the hotel or maybe apartment
unless you extend for a few days more
if you soi soi got no car,came here by taxi and wanted to roam around, you can rent this!
but better to take the tram la! anyway it is provided, you just have to wait.
because it is impossible to walk from 1 place to the other and can die under the sun one! quite hot that day :S
and cycling can only bring you to somewhere closer or just for exercising in the evening
anyway, i still think there is not much time for exercising or cycle romantically with your partner as there are always many interesting shows to catch!
time frame is quite packed
our condo! :D
this is the correct one! we are such a genius this time
we traced here by the map!
NO!! condo!!
i dont care if you dont like seeing me
i got more to show :D
which is the master room
of course shared with mom and grandma
with a half build pool
condo sink
thats mymom friend who drove us here
so good if i can party here!
popo's bed
admission ticket to the Carnival (night) and the Safari (later, 2pm)
bath, shower, clean and all set to leave the condo
okay! another one :D hehe
edited the creepy effect!
just like some horror movie :S
with me eyeing map :)
saw jumbo on the way to parking
ah po bought some bananas to feed Jumbo and friend
because i fed the camel and not him
my furry friends
mek mek
and a wabbit! so kepo
the curious wabbit goes away because there is no food but petting
that was made up
say thank you please!!
i found you a bee!
this is made for baby but apparently i can wear it!
and i sneak behind the cupboard to take this picture!
and i sneak behind the cupboard to take this picture!
so wei da! :X
a lady pull me aside and put a parrot on me straightaway and take a picture of me and mom!
and later sell us for RM15
kena conned!
Look! i saw a rare pokemon named Polly!!
it flee because i have no cracker and i flee because i got no monster to fight him
more feathers to show
pictures tell everything!
just noticed it yesterday :S
the Bambi gang!
and a scary Hsiang who wants my braclet!
the man!
something like frog eyes.. eww
or maybe a version of goat's sharingan
or is it a donkey??
ok!!! my little donkey :)
so sexayy!!
cute and dangerous!
whose friend is this??
ahh and this is pony!!
outside the cowboy show enterance
posing for camcam!
i love you too *hugs!!*
walk around while waiting for them to use the loo
saw this cowboy
he pointed me a knife and asked for money!!
i walk away like nothing happened :X
and maybe xiong* him a bit
gee.. i feel bad now.. he maybe thinks that im arrogant! haha
he is from thailand btw
inside is a cowboy town
left view
right view and an uncle smiling to me :)
the funny clown, tony on right
poor princess!
ahh.. indians in horses
yay!! water!!
the cast!!
not bad and very FUNNY!!
he covers my head with his hat
the hat is smelly and heavy :X
prolly sweaty smell and
heavy because it absorb many sweat??
some hero i guess
taken by MrCowboy who treaten me with a knife.. remember?/
and that axe is real one which is touching my neck!! urgh!
the indian on the left actually pulled my hair bun =.=
oops!! forgot to take picture with the indian princess :/
show is nice
and we rushed to the next show
which is the Animal show
started 10 minutes after this
told you time is packed! no time to even jalan jalan
and i did not went to the monkey island to visit Hsiang friends :(
Cilaka...u enuff ho..24 hr my fren here n thr!!apa ini all ugly 1..
Wow you look so pretty :) , I hope you had a good time
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