last week while scrubbing in shower, i found out something popped up from my skin around my neck area and i tend to scratch it..
it burst and water came out!!
i took picture of it and it look ugly.. like an alien!
is this pimple or seh toi?
impossible seh toi at the back right? if on butt, maybe i can give excuse like, i sat on someone's chair after he sat and which is still very warm.. so seh toi..
err.. is this true? always heard this from olders
or those who have 'toi' on his butt and after he sat on that chair, and you go sit on it, you will get a toi.. if you are damn soi..
really?? is that true???
but mine is below my neck area..almost shoulder, or is it consider as on shoulder?
After two days, it shrinked! and looked more like a pimple to me now
hopefully it will refined and shrink more and drop off!!
noticed something weird in a toy shop last saturday
can CAN??
it's between Dragon Ball(Goku) and One Piece(Luffy)
got not??
my brother told me bout this actually and i LOL
how come they can lost their head and got fix in the wrong body??
how if someone who don't know anything bout anime and wants to buy any of this toy model for someone as gift?? the receiver must be keksim or think that this is a
correction: both toy models are made like that.. thanks to bee for the info.. haha
nowonder luffy's body so muscular.. made me puzzled for so long =P
i want this!!!
Tony Tony Chopper!!
so boh hua..
not so nice somemore..
why no shop in Kuching sell anime theme tee???
Random pictures:
i sat on these when i was young.. say 2-5 years
there is one big head white colour Swan machine, not in the picture
probably spoilt or kidnap by intruders
i still remember i kissed the swan! on it's head somemore..and it's the last time i sat on those's like kiss goodbye to it.. and now it(swan) is gone.. forever..
yes! i kissed it.. why? cannot meh??
children are innocent ba
whenever i pass by that floor, am sure will have a look at it
but now gone already =(
lol.. really random..
went to the loo at AM building today
and wanna try capture myself from the laddies who reflected in the gent's mirror which i self thought i looked like a ghost
get it? getit??
and my new nails..painted this morning,.suppose to be mario theme but the white dots are not white enough after i put on top coat.. the red polish ate them all =S
p/s: sorry for not rotate the pictures..i forget ki.. haha
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