I've just received an email from the customer service of XDO..
Well, XDO or SDO-X (Super Dancer Online-Xtreme) was this Online Dancing Game which was previously named as SDO (Super Dancer Online)
Well, XDO or SDO-X (Super Dancer Online-Xtreme) was this Online Dancing Game which was previously named as SDO (Super Dancer Online)
I'm proud to announced that am one of the player inside! heehee (=
The Customer service had just informed me that my XDO Season2 account had been activated.. Whee.. am so happy of course!! I gain this account as a gift for PK-ing one of the GM from XDO during the PK with GM event on 14-11-2008.. and
YES!! I've WON.. heehee~
Here's a Random Picture which I've print screen during the event...
Pretty cool huh??? how i wish i could have wings like hers (the GM's ones)
OKay, back to the tittle..
Actually i was very HAPPY after receiving the email, i told my friend which was my kinda best buddy.. Well, he asked me to lend him my ID so that he could play first since i have not download SDO-X Season2. I rejected him. I said i could not lend you for some reasons... AND he replied "NOT that he wanted to steal" and saying that I'm so selfish..but HELLO??? this is my ID.. mine!! i have the right to NOT lending u.. Please respect me!!
The Owner of the ID have not land her hands onto her gift yet, why must she let you to open it??!! This annoyed me!!
I'm sorry.. maybe I'm not a good friend to you.. Your good friend might just lend you his/her ID without thinking of any consequences.. I'm just someone who is selfish which do not wants to lend you her brand new ID for her own sake..
Enough of that..
Lately after the PK with GM event..
I went to the XDO competition on Sunday and tried to compete with the players around XDO world.. heehee
After the competition, I was so shocked when i received a badge.. an Aries badge ehh~~
My horoscope!! (=
It was so hard to gain a badge for someone who is not pro like ME.. I've never receive any badge before...
AND now I've finally got ONE!!! YAY~~
I'm so HAPPY lar!! please YAY with me guys~ Let's say YAY~~~
Thanks!! =p
Here's a picture of my avatar and my lovely BADGE~ hehe

I'm still wondering how to gain badges from the competition.. It was like so hard yet mysterious.. =X
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