I hate sandflies!!
now i had few sore spots on my leg which are damn itchy and painful!!
i think those phucker bite me when we was trying to fix Connie's car alarm after the finale of RWMF!
it been 2 days now, and no sign of cure! :(
and i felt that i had sandfly fever and leishmaniasis
FML max
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Rainforest World Music Festival 1
so regret we miss out the fun on Friday!
Sung, my beloved cousin! drove us to the Cultural Village to and fro..
Yes, we did not stay in the resort, price were too expensive for us!
every hotel increased their rate because of this event
and we are totally broke because of Rainfest :S
the tickets and expenditure
I reached my grandma's house at around 12.30pm as my mom was also going to the Rainfest too, by shutter bus.
She had to put me there and rush to Grand Margherita hotel for shuttle bus to Cultural Village at 2pm
We thought we might be earlier than her to reach Cultural Village but no! she called me when we are on the way there, telling me that she had arrived! =.=
Anyway, we did not made it in time because jacq has not prepared yet.
Waited for her to get ready and pick her up at around 1.30pm
Had lunch at J&J
Sung ate 2roti canai kosong, Edmund roti telur and cheese!! and i ate roti telur
After that we depart at around 2pm using the toll road :P
Arrived Santubong Resort at 3 something
and had to park our car along the road side.
both sides were fully parked!!
but lucky us, we found a parking space on the way out from Santubong Resort! anyway, that will be easier for us to depart home later.. :D
Took the shuttle which costs RM5 per way to the Entrance of Damai Beach Resort, around the round about area only and not even at the entrance of Cultural Village. we have to walk some short distance to reach the enterance!
so bo hua! waste Rm5 like that!!
those who followed the Kuching-Damai bus only paid RM10 but still have to walk down to the enterance la..
but Rm5 one is only a short distance, Santubong to Damai Beach enterance! nowonder i saw many people walking along the road from Santubong.
anyway, i would not prefer to walk:P
it will be very tiring!!
actually got no idea where to go
and ended up here, Dewan Laguna, after crossing many crafts stalls
this one started at 4pm
luckily we are still on time for this workshop
the first workshop starts at 2pm
see! everyone is happy :)
that i was an angel!
and there is light shinning through my face after that
for few pictures :S
forgoting the Tree stage :(
the sound system
Food mart
the place we used to hang out
from Little Lebanon
at the dining table
Iban longhouse
my claw!
with mud
ohh!! checkout my french manicure!
i did it myself :P
but was cacat after RWMF :(
between tan and fair! :S
Edmund, whom i know from high school, form1
and Sung my cousin!

skulls hanging somewhere in the longhouse
Edmund took those :S
but it was nice
i like!

was FUN!!
5...10...15...!! :D
the place i sat
we decided to join the crowd after awhile, around 7.30pm
walk to Dewan Laguna and leave our slipper aside, beside the Heineken stall :D
This is Ensemble Shanbehzadeh from Iran
at the Tree Stage
Happy crowd
Minuit Guibolles from France
i forgot which band is this
their music is nice!

after we crossed the muddy field just to see Kimura Ono Duo at the tree stage
and have to stand on sharp stones to watch :(
got few cuts on foot from these

i guess she was too tired
she's still conscious

either Monster Ceilidh Band from UK or Braagas from Czech Republic

and Edmund love the lady 2nd from left!!
we all know his taste now :D
Reunion Islands
their music was great!! we all love it!!

he was standing beside us and smile to Edmund :P
We made friends after that.. LOL
and he even disturbs me by purposely pushes my straw hat which was obviously a bit loose for like twice!
and i hit him twice in return! :P
this pic is cheat one! he kneel down a bit
he is 1.92m tall!
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