Have you ever received weird email address adding you in msn? Yes? NO??
i think using such ways to con people are getting famous!! Hmph!!
and they might send you deadly viruses which sends out annoying messages to your contact lists. you friends will hate you and keep complaining about you sending virus which you never did. yuan wang lo!! there is this famous msn virus back then, where your friends(obviously got virus) sent you a zipped document and you ngong ngong go accept cause that is your good friend( soi lo, good friend send of course must accept, some more says have my picture inside) then your msn will start sending nonsense to your entire friend list!
Oh!!and i do not mean people who tries to make friends with you not make money from you or hiao you and then rob you..some of them have really weird email but not as weird as the con one la. can differentiate. WEIRD email address i mention is always super long and damn cacat one!
and they all love to keep saying hi until you reply or might just hi till song, non stop! ki siao!!
Today, almost 10 siaolang added me
and i ter-approve 2
1 greet me

why they seems to understand what i type leh??
but when i re-read, i think that is some auto messages but still super zhun lo.

still ngenge want people to view
yes please guide me!!
im being stupid spending time talking to auto reply robot!!
okay! another bo liao post!!
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