eee... I got tagged by Gsung!!!
my cousin...
Do visit his blog
and now I have to answer some 100 random facts...
Oh well... here goes...
001. Real name: April Law Kim Jin = =
002. Nicknames: Pril, Ah Ying, Ah Jin, Apulilo by stupid TPhin!!!
003. Married: Am single
004. Zodiac sign: Aries and Taurus?? which 1?? TPhin created Tauries for only for me!!
005. Male or female: Female
006. Age: 18 going 19
007. Highschool: Smk Sg Maong
008. College: in F6 consider as in coll?
009. Residence: Kuching
010. Hair color: Sexy black =p
011. Long or short hair: medium
012. Smoke: No way!!!
013. Drink: occasionally
014. Available: Yep
015. Are you a health freak: I don't think so
016. Weight: for tee too kg
017. Do you have a crush?: Yess...everyone does
018. Do you like yourself: I do
019. Piercings: 1 on each ear
020. Tattoos: No...only got scar
021. Righty or lefty: Righty
022. First surgery: year 2005... 4 stitches on index finger and nail
022. First surgery: year 2005... 4 stitches on index finger and nail
023: First piercing: 5 years old
024. First best friend/s: Lifei, Hsiang, CSC, TPhin....
025. First award: gold medal..kindergarden's sports day
026. First memory: I don't remember...I just remember my 1st milk bottle colour
27. First pet: Blacky!!! your always be in my heart!!
028. First vacation: Damai Lagoon I guess
029. First concert: Jolin's concert
030. First crush: I don't remember...still young what.. had lotsa crush before
031. Last time you went out: This morning
031. Last time you went out: This morning
032. Last time you had a good time: Trip to Santubong with friends
033. Last time you cried: Duh.. I don't remember..
034. Last award: Cashh!!
035. Last trip: KK
036. Last concert: Lee Hom's ?? Don't remember...
037. Last album you bought: Jay Chou's 魔杰座
038. Last song you played: If I were a boy
039. Last phonecall: my sis
040. Last laugh: this morning
041. Summer or winter: Summer
041. Summer or winter: Summer
042. Rainy or sunny: Sunny
043. Britney or Christina: none
044. TV or YouTube: TV
045. Oprah or Tyra: I don't know
046. McD’s or KFC: McD
047. Soccer or tennis: none
048. new york or san francisco: NY
049. Eating: Jelly beans
049. Eating: Jelly beans
050. Drinking: sky juice
051. Wearing: Tee and shorts
052. Im about to: Publish this post
053. Listening to: nothing
054. Food: Laksa or any food that attract my tastebuds
055. Drinks: Green Tea, soft drinks...
056. Colors: White, green, blue
057. Numbers: 2
058. Want kids: Yea
059. Want to get married: Uhuh
060. Life: I don't know.. Good or bad life still goes on..
061. Goals: career and happy family
062. Where will you live: with my family in don't know where.. I can't tell future = =
063. Buy a house: Yea..probably
064. Buy a car: Yea
066. Love your mom?: duh.. of course..without her where am I??
066. Love your mom?: duh.. of course..without her where am I??
067. Love your dad?: YEA!! Love my daddykins
068. Are they still together?: YES
068. Lips or eyes: both
068. Lips or eyes: both
069. Hugs or kisses: both
070. Shorter or taller: taller
071. Lean or plump: lean
072. Romantic or spontaneous: both
073 . Nice stomach or nice arms: both
074 . Sensitive or loud: loud
075 . Hook-ups or relationships: both
076. Bungee-jumped: never..
076. Bungee-jumped: never..
077. Shook hands with someone important: yea
078. Kissed a stranger: NO
079. Drank bubbles: yaa
080. Lost glasses/contacts: never
081. Ran away from home: never
082. Liked someone younger: I think so
083. Older: yea
084. Broken someone’s heart: I don't know.. maybe yes maybe no..
085. Been arrested: NEVER
086. Turned someone down: heehee..yess
087. Cried when someone died: depends on relationship..I can't be crying if random people died
088. Liked a friend: yess
089. Yourself: I do
089. Yourself: I do
090. Miracles: Sometimes
091. Love at first sight: Yea
092. Heaven: Yes
093. Santa clause: If he grant me my wish
094. Sex on the first date: NEVER
095. the more you hate, the more you love: I don't think so
096. Angels: Maybe
097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?: Yaa
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time?: Never
099. Do you believe in God?: Yes
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game: No..I'll just tag 1..
phew... finally finished
I wanted to TAG
wahahahah!!! take your time to answer all these!!
Oh!!! by the way, today is Hsiang birthday!!!
Hapee Beeday Hsiang!!!
Habbee Beeday to You
Habbee Beeday to You
Habbee Beeday to Bee Hsiang
Habbee Beeday to YOU!!!

nah.. here's a bee birthday cake for you!!!
looks like you hor~~
I know you'll like it very much!!
Don't thanks me ya!!
This is what I can do for you~ haahaa
All the best in everything &
May all your dreams come true
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