Went to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on the 6th of December to sit for my Japanese-Language Proficiency Test(日本語能力試験) and to visit KK aswell. (=
Went there with my mom and cousins.
It was a short stay in KK and I do enjoy myself.
Day 1 (6 December 08)
We departed from Kuching International Airport (KIA) at around 4.30pm
Lloyd and me at KIA benkyo-ing while waiting for departure
Amelia is so hardworking =x
While mummy is so free taking pictures of us.
Some random pictures she took:
My foot = =
Her foot
Her nails
My nails
We reached Sabah at around 6.20pm
Mummy's friend, brother Leanard pick us up from the airport and drop us off to our hotel.
The first thing to do after check-in,
1. check out the bath room
2. turn on the tv
3. jumping on bed to bed from bed to bed =x
-here's some pictures to show-
me again
We had dinner at Grace Point
Don't know where is it located
But the food is nice
the place is full of greens.
There are 2 ends, the end on the left is a Japanese restaurant while the other side are stalls.
Lotsa choices to choose from
After picking on what food to eat, we proceed to our seats.
Pictures again!!!
Besides that, there's a memorial not far away from our seats.
My cousins and I decided to go there and snap some pictures while waiting for food
and you know what I've found???
I saw some small rectangular thingy on the ground when I'm about to walk over and cross the drain. I wonder what is it and kicked it in order to flip it over. =x
But... my kicking skills sucks!! T_T
It do not flip over and I've to bend down to pick it up..
It's a PHONE!!
some little girl's phone.. with some skull stickers on the back..
I think it's from a young girl age around 13-15..
Ok enough!! back to the memorial..
If not mistaken, from what I've heard, some airplane crash here before and some VIP had died. =x
Double Six memorial
The food had arrived when we got back to our seat after taking pictures.
Lloyd's Pineapple Fried Rice
After meal, we visited the toilet!! haha
Mummy's friend asked us to check out their nice garden like decorated toilet
Outside the toilet.. (from pic) left side is the Ladies while the right side is the Gents
**I still felt sorry over the lil girl's phone**
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